You can buy an anthology of Hoa’s short stories titled “Vivid” through Lulu using the link on the home page.
A bibliography of Hoa’s short stories is below:
“Wave” – TEXT Special Issue 2013
“The Daughters of Au Co” – HEAT issue 16 2008.
“Heroic Mother” – Griffith Review (November 2007)
“Mara” – Borderlands Issue 8 (Sept 2007)
“Yolk- a short episode” – HEAT Issue 11 2006.
“Fox Wedding” HQ Magazine Sept/Oct 1998 (runners up HQ Short Story Competition 1997).
“Fox Wedding” (extract) in The Words Have Eyes. RMIT Student Anthology March 1998.
“On the Continent” Aurealis: Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy magazine. Republica Issue 20/21 February 1998
“Fox Fairy” Eat Tongue. Multicultural anthology. Victorian Writers Centre. 1997
“In between Places” Pandora : women’s issues journal. Issue 7. 1996
“Slipstream” Westerly: literary quarterly of the University of Western Australia. Winter June 1996
“Mantra” Ars Poetica. Issue 1 Summer 1995
“Reality” Aurealis: Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy magazine Issue 13 June 1994